Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Funny (to us)

I was showing Cecilia a video and after it was over she said "don't turn it off!" which I did because it was over. She said "What did I JUST said?" Made me laugh :)

Simon got some information sent home about the fundraiser Jump Rope for Heart. This is my best memory of how that went....not even sure he took a breath:

"Mom we need to give money for this because it saves lives. Mom see it says that for every duck I earn I can save a life! We need to give money for this because it saves lives! Mom do we have any money? Do you have a thousand dollars? Dad has some hundreds. I saw Dad's hundred dollar bills." 

And more of this for the next hour.

That is all for today!

1 comment:

  1. Haha eli got the same fundraiser form with the ducks. He asked for $100 only. Maybe bryan can spare some? Oh and by the way cc and hughie are alike. Hughie talks just like me...he scolds me! Rr
