Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Seven Eleven -- Super Simon

Aside from generally always liking the date of Seven Eleven (you know, it rhymes, it's a gas station...), it has extra meaning these days.

Seven Eleven is the official date that our portfolio was "out there" for birth mothers to look at (I'll do the math for took 6 months and 5 days to get picked). Also, on this day last year we decided to try eating vegetarian for a week. Seven days has turned into 365 of no cows, pigs, fish, chicken, etc. I think the only reason I remember the date of the latter is because of the former, but I'm glad I tucked the date away in my mind just for the fun of it.

So the last year has lead to a baby and healthy cholesterol numbers. I wonder what the next year will bring? But let's be serious, what could possibly top a positive change in cholesterol? :)


Some friends asked me last week what Simon does all day, as in, how does he play? I explained that he likes to jump off the couch and the coffee table (it makes his feet "sparkle"). He likes to do flips on the rings on the play set. He likes to chase the dog. He likes to pretend he's a superhero. He just kind of runs and climbs and jumps all day. Sometimes he'll go in his toy room and just play with random toys, but he spends less and less time in there the older he gets. He sounds kind of wild when I write it down, but to me he just seems like a boy doing his thing. I intervene if I think he is going to get hurt (like when he was swatting at bees to see if they would sting him), but otherwise I just let him be creative and expend his energy however he can.

This picture seriously makes me look like a bad mom, I know. Judgement aside, it'd be a cool picture if only it were clear! :)

1 comment:

  1. There is a lot to be said for a child that is using their imagination. So important in this day and age, more than ever..I think....hence my worry that Lily doesn't use hers enough for my taste. And don't worry...I'm not judging. Connor will be there soon enough, I'm sure.
