Friday, November 22, 2013

This is Simon.

This is Simon. He does this face and nods his head vigorously all the time when he's excited about something or just trying to be funny.

This boy of ours is so many things, as I expect all kids are. He can be so sweet and thoughtful and kind and polite and easy going and affectionate. He can also be rude and belligerent and sassy and lazy and sneaky and inconsiderate.

No matter what, even if he was just being completely naughty, when he hugs me I completely melt. He gives damn good hugs. His 6th birthday is approaching and it just sounds so old. One day I'm going to wake up and he's not going to give me a legs and arms and head hug. It's going to be just his arms and his head, and maybe one day just his arms.

I'm rambling and I'm not sure where I'm going with this other than to say how much I love that little guy up there...and that picture serves as a good reminder to point my camera at him more even if he does only talk at me, make weird faces or run away from me when I bring it out....

1 comment:

  1. Love that sentence about hugs. Love your passion for that awesome lil boy! Rr
