Sunday, March 27, 2011

Lock 'Em Up

I know it sounds crazy, but we lock Simon in his room at night.

No, he is not a prisoner in our home. No, we don't put a dirty bowl of old soup through an opening at the bottom at mealtimes. And no, we don't have a pooping pot in there either (I know you were wondering).

We look at it just like he's in a crib. When a child is in a crib, they are locked in. SAFE. I want to go to bed knowing that he is safe and sound in there and I don't want him coming out of his room all the time when he's supposed to be enjoying slumber. The way we lock him in is by putting a child safety door handle lock on the inside; when it's not there he gets drunk with power.

The lock was off for a day or so as a trial, and on night 2 he noticed. An hour after he went to sleep he came downstairs where B and I were watching TV. He was laughing hysterically and yelled, "I scored!" Who could get mad at that?! After giving us each a hug he went back upstairs and put himself to bed and I thought, "when did he get big enough to put himself to bed?" He's not. He was back down in 10 seconds laughing like a crazy person again.

This is when I had to lay down the law. I told him if he left his room one more time the lock was going back on. Next thing I know he is opening the door and then went to his bed. I went in with the lock to reattach it and he proved he was listening:

"I didn't leave the room, I just opened the door," he said with a mocking tone and a grin.

Hmm. He's right. But I'm bigger. On went the lock :)

(This is from his first night at our new house in November 2010...wasn't ready for the big boy bed quite yet.)


  1. i'm pretty excited! i'm the FIRST one to post a comment on your blog. maybe even the FIRST person to look at it besides you and bryan! love it. keep it up. you'll thank yourself everyday of your freaking life.

  2. i need to learn all these parenting tips from you! i can just see simon coming in and out of his room. i'm sure E will do the same thing. RR
