Monday, May 7, 2012


Lately my mind has been blank. Well, blank when it comes to blogging. It's been jam packed with everything Run Like a Mother....

Get flyers from sponsors. Get snacks from Sargento. Get tents and tables from Equipment Rentals. Get bread from Breadsmith. Get bananas from Trader Joes. Follow up with photographer, DJ, park, porta-potty people. Finalize master volunteer list. Thank volunteers in my mind A THOUSAND times. Decide where each volunteer needs to be and when. Check registration obsessively. Stuff packets. Assemble signage. Set up for packet pick up. Go to FedEx for the hundreth time. Check shipping list over just one more time. Don't forget a calculator. A scissors. A dolly. A ladder. Send registrants informational email.

Oh how the list could go on.

Right now, though, I am taking a moment to try to ignore all of those things. I will say that listing out my to-do list has provided me with a fresh batch of anxiety, though. Fail.

Anyway, check out this kid's hair... makes me smile. I don't know what the hell we are going to do with it, but I swear it's getting thicker and curlier by the day. Seriously, find me a 3 month old with that much hair! 

In a moment of mom guilt, I decided to buy Simon the game Candy Land (which should now be called Crack Land given how the board has exploded with imagery used to be so simple to look at back in the day). I don't normally bother with the mom guilt thing, but every once in a while it rears its ugly head and I just can't avoid it. I convinced myself that I wasn't paying enough attention to Simon and it was making him act out at school; I thought Candy Land would solve all of our problems, which just goes to show that a guilty mom is not a clear thinking mom...but I digress :) The game has been played and while it hasn't proved to be magical in the way of improving Simon's behavior, it has proved to be a great tool for evading photos!

As a side note, I'd like it to be known that Simon knows exactly how to break me down and make me laugh. He had me in tears at Target today when I should have been actually parenting him, but sometimes I just cannot help it. Perhaps I should parent him sans hysterical laughter and then Candy Land wouldn't be needed in the first place...

Thanks kids, for being a delightful distraction tonight :) Holy babbling...


  1. So you didn't like playing candy land? It is a favorite in our household. Hmmm...maybe you will prefer chutes and ladders- now that one puts me in the looney bin every time.

  2. Sounds like you'll need these next few weeks of summery weather to wind down and get into a summer groove! Good thing the race is over and was a success! I'm so happy I ran...I was proud of myself and proud of my friend theresa!!
