Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A New Baby

On Sunday night Cecilia went to bed as one baby and woke up as another. It was like a switch was flipped and she suddenly she knew that her hands were her hands and her arms were her arms. She was on the floor under a play gym thing and I looked over and there she was grabbing the toys, batting at them, feeling them and trying to get them in her mouth (unsuccessfully since they were attached to said play gym thing).

I realize that this really isn't all that exciting to anyone else, but to a mom there's not too much in the world that is more exciting than seeing your child reach a new milestone. You are proud of their accomplishment and just plain happy that they are reaching those milestones because it's always a little scary to think they might not (I know I'm not the only one who worries about such things).

The next year will bring many more milestones...rolling, sitting, crawling, walking, maybe a few words? Only time will tell when something will spark in her brain and then there she'll be, a new baby all over again. In the meantime, I'm just trying to soak up and appreciate where she is at today. I must say, she makes that pretty easy; we might pay for it later, but she has got to be about the easiest baby on the planet.

I love you, C. Those rolls, that hair, that gorgeous chocolate skin, those happy shrieks and all those noises you make...oh, how the list could go on. So many people say how lucky you are to have us, but they are so so so wrong. We are the lucky ones.

1 comment:

  1. Love it all :) You all are so lucky!!

