Thursday, December 1, 2011


My mom believes that our baby has been conceived. She's been right about these things before, so I'm hoping this is one of those times. If she is here by May/June my mom will say she must have been right....if the baby is chubby among other things, my mom will have been right about that too :)

While the unknown of all of this eats away at me a little, the truth is that day to day we are fine and dandy over here. We're just doing our thing.

Life's pretty easy with one kid who is almost 4 years old. On particularly easy days, I kind of think that having a healthy dose of infertility and beans that just wouldn't stick were a strange kind of blessing. Without the bum uterus, said days would not be as enjoyable in theory. Of course, if I had sticky beans and properly functioning lady parts I'm sure I would have plenty of wonderful days and moments with two or more kids, but that's just not my reality. My reality is enjoying life with one, waiting for a phone call and staying sane in the meantime. I like to think I'm doing a reasonably good job.

Trying to get pregnant = tears, tears and more tears inside of big giant tears that never seem to want to stop falling. Waiting for a phone call = no tears. Seems like it was a good choice! Now I just have to keep my patience hat firmly in place and keep riding it out until that chubby little thing makes her debut :)


  1. She's very chubby! I can see her too! xoxoxoxoxo

  2. Mom described her vision to me of your baby girl and it gave me butterflies....I know she is just beautiful & I can't wait to meet her!!!

