Monday, December 26, 2011

SHOCKER! A Christmas Post :)

On the way home from Christmas in Appleton last night Simon fell asleep in the car. When we got home I carried him upstairs, put him in his bed and was punched in the gut with that overwhelming feeling of love that mothers get when they least expect it. I thought about the past couple of days and how much pure joy this kid has and how unbelievably LUCKY (!!!!!) we are to get to witness it.

And I was reminded of exactly why we haven't just accepted our fate and moved on as a family of three. I have more love to give and come hell or high water, some little person is going to be on the receiving end of that one day :)

Here's a glimpse into Christmas 2011:

My beautiful Grandma Ruth :)

Clara and Simon attacking Auntie Al for some unknown reason.

The kids passing the time in a room upstairs waiting for Santa to come with all the presents!

Grandma Berta said that Santa (aka Bryan dressed up in a full Santa suit) is outside so the kids are gearing up to see him.

When they saw "Santa" walking down the street waving at the window, the kids literally SCREAMED like mad.  So fun :)

This was Simon's reaction upon coming downstairs and seeing that Santa dropped off piles of gifts under the tree.

Our attempt at a cousins shot....poor Max just was not interested!

All the action. I LOVE Max's arm reaching up for Woody!

Helping Simon open one of the many toys he got.

Christmas Morning at our house.

He was so excited to go get batteries for his remote controlled helicopter that he got himself dressed...for summer.

I intervened and we got this cute little outfit!

Patiently waiting to open gifts with Grandma Mory, Grandpa Mike and Auntie Bree.

I hope everyone had a Very Merry Christmas!! :)


  1. What a great blog!! Your baby girl is so lucky to have your family waiting for her....I just can't wait to meet her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great pictures too!

  2. Love that excitement picture about Santa. Looks like you had a great holiday.
