Sunday, July 10, 2011

What to expect when you're "expecting"

On Friday night we had a family over who went through our agency to adopt their two little boys (one is just a few months old and the other will be two in October). I went to bed that night feeling like I had a better handle on what to expect....sort of.

With both of their boys, they did not find out that they were picked until after they were born. Then they had to haul ass to Houston as soon as possible with all the things one needs to care for a newborn in a hotel room for a week or more. That's how much notice there really is. Hours.

Today we had a pretty normal Sunday, but my baby could be navigating through some stranger's birth canal RIGHT. NOW. And we could be on a plane tomorrow. This is the thought that I need to push out of my brain for an undetermined number of days. I assume as time passes, I will think about it less and less.

My friend told me I should get a special ring for our agency (her suggestion? "Baby, baby, baby, OH" by Justin Bieber) and said she is going to jump every time I call her. I told her that I didn't have that urge to jump every time my phone rang and therefore did not require a special ring. No more than an hour later I got a call from a 608 number. I jumped. It was unrelated business.

Maybe a special ring isn't a bad idea...


  1. smiles to you! Enjoy the anticipation! So many are also so excited to hear your news!


  2. I like the ring tone idea...and Justin Bieber's song. Clara will love that!! I want to be there when it rings too!!!!!!!! EKKKKkk :) So excited!


  3. heehee- the ring idea is cute. It must be such an exciting feeling that any day could be THE day. yay!
