Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Four days.

It's been four days since the elementary school shooting in CT. I've posted twice on my blog about things completely unrelated, about my family's happy times and good fortune. I've read countless facebook posts that indicate everyone has moved on, but I know they haven't. I haven't. This massacre has been a shadow in my mind at all hours of the day and I can't shake it. Presumably, as days pass it will fade into the background with all the other atrocities against living beings that I hear too, too much about. I suppose that's just self preservation, to allow these things to fade from our minds.

I needed to get this out there, though. I needed to say that I'm still thinking about it and praying for those people constantly and that I haven't just forgotten about it already. I'm saying extra prayers these days for everyone who has lost someone and taking extra time to be thankful for all that I have.

That's all I got...


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