Monday, December 3, 2012


Our family has been going to cut down a Christmas tree since before I was born. I know there have been years when not everyone could go, but for the most part my parents, sisters and I (and our families of course) have managed to find a day every year to go do this. For some reason it never goes quite perfectly, but I guess that's half the fun.

Nothing catastrophic went wrong this year, but I found a tree farm online that was almost exactly in between our house and my sister's new house. I should have known that was too easy. When we arrived we realized all the trees there were pre-cut which sort of defeats the purpose.

I saw a sign about a mile earlier for another tree farm so we drove back in that direction, but we couldn't be sure that was cut your own either so we turned around again and went on the hunt for a new farm in the other direction. Live and learn.

Eventually we found one, got out, cut our trees and went on our merry way.

The best part of all of this? It was almost 60 degrees and sunny. Never in my life do I remember cutting down a tree on a day like this...I could definitely get used to this kind of weather in December!


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