Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Almost 30. I know, I know...hard to believe

Lately I've been thinking about the fact that I am almost three decades old. I don't officially take the leap until August, but it's close enough. We all have visions of what "thirty somethings" are like and I must say, I don't know if I'm living up to my own expectations.

I figured that by the time I was 30 I would certainly....
-drink wine with dinner (or have acquired a taste for liquor beyond wine coolers)
-have mastered the art of keeping my house clean and well organized
-wear clothes that don't have the word "sweat" in the description (can't say this happens much)
-rely on more than a ponytail holder to style my hair every day
-not feel compelled to finish every book in the Young Adult section at the library and ignore all the rest
-care more about politics than celebrity news (I just can't get enough of the Kardashians)
-drive a mini-van, not a cool SUV

On the other hand, I do....
-steer clear of the Junior's section at Kohl's (unless I want to go for the ever-popular muffin top look)
-obsess over Chai Tea Lattes
-use a "set" of products on my face every day because my skin is looking dangerously like that of an actual 30 year olds
-listen to NPR and books on cd (if I'm actually listening to them on my iPhone does that make it cooler?)
-cook often and rarely have to consult a recipe book for dinner
-love my book club
-drink coffee every morning (okay, so it doesn't really taste like coffee by the time I'm done with it, but still...)
-get seriously annoyed with teenagers because not everything is either a) funny or b) a ridiculously big deal (OMG!)
-have a 3 year old and a husband of 7 years...stats that definitely validate my advanced age

It's no real secret that I've always been 30 (okay, okay....40) at heart, but it's just a little crazy to actually be it. I'm really looking forward to the years ahead, though. I just hope my metabolism doesn't take off with my twenties. You hear about that, you know :)


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