Tuesday, April 5, 2011

So predictable

Simon had a hole in the foot of his jammies yesterday. I asked him 17 times if he wanted to change. Nope. I said to Bryan, "Mark my words. About 20 minutes after he's gone to bed he's going to get bothered by that toe sticking out and he'll insist on different jammies." Sure enough, almost like clockwork.

Then several minutes after that, Simon yelled from upstairs that he had to go potty. He was calling for me, but I sent Bryan instead. Bryan said, "But he's calling for you." I tried to pretend that didn't matter. Bryan got up there and Simon said, "My mommy can put me on the potty and take me off the potty. She does that job." (WHAT?!) He proceeded to pick up his monitor and talk into it walky-talky style calling for me until I appeared.

At least we've come to know what to expect from the kid (his actions, not so much his words), but all this blogging is making me notice just how much he is running the show. I'll have to mull that one over....

(This picture is just because.)


  1. oh my lord that picture....so CUTE> RR

  2. Yes! What an adorable picture...that little smile! Ahh, love it.
