Saturday, April 16, 2011

Will he be "that kid?" Part 2

Today was Simon's first soccer class. I couldn't go because I had to work, which initially I was a little bummed about. In hindsight, I'm quite glad that I couldn't go as it was Bryan - not me - that got to be known as the parent of "that kid." HA! :)

Part way through the class, I started getting text message updates from Bryan. Our conversation was as follows:

Simon is not participating.
It is a good thing we're doing this before preschool.
They are playing Simon Says and he is a little confused.


He is such a bad listener.
Coach to kid ratio is really bad, though.

What is it?

15 to 1

Yikes. Did he ever get his act together?

This says it all:

The picture had me completely laughing out loud. Not soon after it was taken, Bryan pulled Simon out of class a little early stating that "he cannot handle this class right now." I found this whole thing highly amusing, largely due to the fact that I didn't have to actually endure the stares from fellow parents and annoyed coaches. While this child of mine may not always be predictable, he is consistent with at least one thing: making his momma laugh every single day. I heard a great quote about having small kids and it seems appropriate here: "If having small children doesn't make you laugh, then you're doing it wrong." I love that. It makes me feel like I'm doing it right :)

1 comment:

  1. I need a copy of this picture to put up in my just cracks me up!
