Sunday, September 9, 2012

30 Day Challenge Update - 2 Weeks In

Tomorrow will mark the half-way point in my little exercise-more-drink-less-coffee adventure.

I'd love to tell a tale of having exercised every single day as planned, but I was a slacker on Labor Day. I can't say I'm too torn up about it, though. It was a holiday, so I took a holiday from exercise. Holidays should be exempt from self-imposed rules, right? I think so.

On the contrary, I did not give myself a holiday from my coffee pact because, frankly, after a week without it I just didn't really care about it anymore. I was doing fine with plain old tea.

But I was still caffeine dependent, my teeth were still slowly yellowing with each sip and my damaged esophagus continued to burn every day (all of which were secondary reasons for giving up coffee after no longer wanting the extra calories from the creamer). So I figured maybe I should give up tea too. I can't remember exactly when I had it last, but I do know I had a few foggy days without it this week. I had a hard time feeling focused and felt almost bored (for lack of a better term) despite a hundred things I could be doing. I really think it was caffeine withdrawal.

In any case, I switched to water and however many days it has been seems like it was enough to get over the hump and feel okay. Stupid reflux is still in full effect, though. Maybe one day I'll figure that hot mess out.

So there you have it. An update :)

And here are two pics of Cecie just because...



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