Monday, September 10, 2012

Busses and Boo-hooing

The Bus.

The bus is a super convenient resource for parents, especially those with younger children at home. For example, today Cecilia fell asleep for her nap at noon and since Simon was taking the bus to school I didn't have to wake her up 45 minutes later to get him to school in time...she could sleep uninterrupted for as long as she needed. 

One big point for the bus. 

Plus millions of kids have taken the bus to and from school for years and years. Using the bus is the more environmental friendly option. Simon thinks it's super cool to ride the bus. We are already paying for the bus with our tax dollars. When kids use the bus who are eligible it keeps the parking lot at the school less congested.

Five more points for the bus.

The thing is, I've been holding that boy's hand through everything for the past four and a half years and today I had to let go. I had to watch him get into a moving vehicle with a complete stranger and watch it drive away. Even writing that sentence sends shivers down my spine. Would the driver follow the rules of the road? Would he use his blinkers and take his time slowing down? Would he go straight to school or would he just decide to kidnap all of them? And Simon, would he sit in a safe way? Would he be nice to the other kids? Would they be nice to him? Would he follow the rules? Would he fall asleep on the bus and get forgotten? 

All these questions were racing through my brain as we waited at the end of our driveway for the damn bus. 

I was hiding my tears behind my sunglasses and Simon was clueless playing next to me. When the bus came he excitedly got right on and didn't look back. The bus driver had him come back so I could get a picture (one point for the driver), and I was still holding myself together.

But then it drove away. 

With my son.

And it lost all its points.

My phone happened to ring at this moment and it was my older sister. I decided to answer it because I wasn't thinking or seeing straight and could barely choke out a hello. She was frantic on the other line thinking something actually bad happened. Eventually I was able to tell her, "Simon just got on the bus" between my sobs. She laughed, as she should have. Soon I was able to settle down, we had a nice long chat and I was able to make the most of the rest of my afternoon.

I was less anxious waiting for him to come home, but it being 18 late minutes didn't help. Luckily one of my neighbors was around and chatted with me while I waited which helped pass the time. And then there he was, in my arms. One second later he was trying to wriggle free so he could pet the neighbor's dog. It appeared as though this day did not mean the same to him as it did to me (probably a good thing).

I tried for the rest of the night to get him to tell me something about his day, but all I got out of him was "I liked my seat." When pressed further he indicated he was referring to both his seat on the bus and in his classroom...aka he didn't care about this conversation anymore and wanted to appease me.

Tomorrow is another day and I think it will go better. For me. I assume (hope) it will go about the same for him :) 


  1. You get 2 gold stars in my book! 1 for being super brave and sending Mr. Simon on the bus. I can only imagine how stressful the first time can be. AND the 2nd gold star is for dressing him in a Grover tshirt. Not only is it Grover (the best Sesame Street character in my opinion) but it is SUPER GROVER! Woohoo! Love it!
    Here's to many more successful bus rides!
    Erin :)

  2. He'll love reading this one when he's older! His pictures are so fav is of him on the bus with the driver. His face is so sweet in that one :) Such a loving mom you are and a big step for everyone! Taking a bus to school already, geez, they grow up too fast!!


  3. i loooove this post. like---fricken love it! love that its all about simon. and you. and the bus. you should be really proud. rr

  4. the bus is a BIG deal. for both mom and boy. but you did it. the things that get us all worked up..never the stuff we expect it to be, right?! i'm proud of both of you and Simon. both are growing up so fast! :)

  5. Such a sweet post Theresa. I absolutely love all the pics of the big bus day. Way to go Simon and Mom! Your kids are just so cute :) sorry if you get multiple comments from me- this is my second attempt at leaving it.
