Friday, September 9, 2011


I have a feeling I might hear more about Parker in the coming weeks. This was my conversation with Simon after his second day, pretty much verbatim:

Me: "Were you a good boy in school today?"
Simon: "Yeah."
"Was everyone good in school today?"
"Was anyone naughty today?"
"Yeah Parker was naughty because he pinched me so I pinched him back because he did it to me first. He wasn't sharing his Thomas toy with me."
"Did you take it from him?"
"Yeah and then he pinched me so I pinched him back."
"Where did he pinch you?"
"Right here on my eye."
"Did you or Parker cry?"
"What did Mrs. Hanson say?"
"Mrs. Hanson said we had to share. I really want that wand that little girl had. Where can we get one from?" (I guess that's the end of this conversation, I thought.)

I of course reminded him to share and that he shouldn't pinch people, but I was really enjoying hearing him relate what happened so I just kept asking questions. Is it bad that I was stifling the giggles? Maybe I should have been outraged that he was pinched or that he returned it, but I figure they are three and these things are going to happen. I trust that Mrs. Hanson took care of it appropriately and will call me if there's a problem that won't go away. In any case, Macey confirmed Simon's story and said Parker got a time-out and Simon didn't so I took that as a good sign.

I think I am going to LOVE having a school-aged kid. Somehow I keep liking every stage better than the last...not sure how that works.

1 comment:

  1. i love the detail of this conversation! i love that he told you the HONEST, nitty-gritty details. Lily didn't have as much detail to share, but maybe that's because the morning details were foggy after an afternoon nap? who knows. but i look forward to the details of age 3!!
