Saturday, June 11, 2011

Holy Ornery, Batman

My Dearest Boy,

Right now I am sitting downstairs with the monitor turned down and the tv turned up, but you are insistent on being quite obnoxious so I can hear you just fine. You are upstairs fighting bedtime and throwing another fit. I'm not sure if I could really call it "another" fit exactly, though, since the one you started when you woke up never really stopped. All. Day.

You screamed and cried more today than in the last week combined. I was literally laughing at times because you were so out of control and sometimes that's all a mother can do. I tried to ignore you too and was successful for bits of time here and there. Mostly it was just a bad day. We all have them, though, so it's okay. I hope you get a good night's rest and tomorrow you will be back to the happy kid we know. Seriously, please get a good night's rest and be happy tomorrow. Please. Please. Please. :)

Your Frazzled Mother


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