Saturday, June 25, 2011

Meeting Numero Uno

Yesterday morning Bryan and I had our first meeting with our adoption social worker. I didn't really know what to expect, but I heard it would be like having a conversation with a friend so I wasn't too nervous about it (thank you JT). Having nothing to hide also helped....when she asked if I had a history of drug or alcohol abuse I was tempted to tell her that I saw actual marijuana leaves for the first and only time about a year ago (not even being smoked), but figured a simple "no" would suffice.

She basically wanted a life story from both of us. My awful long-term memory prevailed of course and I was unable to tell her much about my childhood except that I played with my sisters a lot. Did you have rules? Probably. What was the discipline like? I think I got yelled at. Did you know your expectations? Come home on time. Anything else? Probably. 

She also gave us information about the agencies we'll be sending our profile to and a few more items of paperwork we need to do (yay!). Based on what our parameters are on the type of child we'd like to adopt, she thinks that 9 months will be about the longest we'll wait. Eeek.

I asked Simon if he wanted a little sister and he said "No, because I don't want to have to teach her things." It's going to be interesting....


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