Monday, June 27, 2011

Meeting numero dos

We had our final pre-adoption meeting with our social worker this morning. Simon was a good boy and showed off his skeleton costume, his pink skirt and his transformers mask among other things. He proved we weren't lying when we said he liked costumes :) Luckily, everything checked out in our house and she said she is waiting on us to get our profile to her and we'll be ready to start The Wait.

After getting feedback from a couple of insightful folks about my dramatic post from late last night, I think I can finally put this heavy decision behind me and move forward. Someone said "logic be damned" and another asked "what did your gut tell you when you first considered adoption?" If I damn logic and go with my initial gut reaction (and Bryan's), the decision is crystal clear.

A weight has been lifted.

I seriously cannot wait to meet her and name her and to know what her birthday is and see her hair color and see if she'll be a tank or a peanut and what kind of sleeper she'll be (please be good) and if she'll like a nuk or have acid reflux or smile a lot or be serious......I could go on. I just hope The Wait is short!


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