Saturday, January 21, 2012

5 Days

In 5 days a woman in IL is going to be induced. In 5 days we will get a call. In 5 days we'll know if she plans to go forward with her adoption plan. In 5 days we will either start packing to go see her or start blogging about how she changed her mind.

So for 5 days I am going to try not to be crabby; I'm going to try to enjoy our simple life just how it is; I'm going to try preparing just in case this is the real deal; I'm going to try not to teeter on the edge of tears all day long. For 5 days I will think about this woman and pray for her endlessly.

What I really want to do is sleep straight through the next 5 days and have that phone call wake me up...


  1. i can't imagine being in your shoes. but i can honestly say that is exactly how i would want to deal with it and it sort of is even as an outsider. like i just want it so bad for you...and don't want to wait! also-if i could sleep 5 days straight without having to go to the bathroom I could be well rested to be a mom of newborn just like you! RR

  2. Praying for you & the birth mother! I also cannot imagine being in your shoes! My advice is to drink alcohol :) haha!


  3. focus on prepping yourself this week..however that is. one thing at a'll get there..pray it happens this week, but if it doesn't, she's out there..just waiting to meet her mommy! PROMISE! {but i'm pretty sure this is IT!} pw
