Monday, January 9, 2012


A few days ago, Simon dodged a bullet and managed to avoid splitting his eyebrow right open. He did not, however, walk away without a scratch. He got a bit of a shiner.

We were playing basketball in his toy room and the combination of excitement, socks and hardwood floors teamed up against him and down he went. Bryan has a bike trainer which is stand you set up and put your road bike on so you can bike indoors, and for some reason it wound up in his toy room; I think the idea was that it was out of the way and in a room that's already a little chaotic (hello, toys), but it turns out that a bike and its trainer don't belong in a toy room. When Simon went down, his eye hit a hard piece of metal and it had to HURT.

He refused to put ice on it because his face would get too cold, but he did let me take a picture. While I have an awesome new camera I'm not super skilled with it yet, so the picture doesn't really do it justice:

Really it just looked like he was wearing various shades of eye shadow over the past few days and the lid was a little puffy. When his teacher asked him what happened he told her "I hit it on one of my daddy's bike ingredients." Interesting way to put it! :)


  1. I have to say, it was more impressive in person..enough for me to ask him what happened for sure! He seemed to be a trooper about it, though!

  2. Oh man! Hope it gets better soon!

  3. i can totally see how the camera doesn't do it justice. i didn't see it in person, but i just can tell....a shiner. a REAL boy gets a shiner. HA! I hope he heals fast. RR
