Monday, January 30, 2012

Words with Friends

Please play a game with me. I am thermus821. Play as often as you can. Give my mind something else to focus on!! :)


Supposedly tomorrow the birth mom, E, will have another weekly doctor appointment, so I'm hoping we will get an update tomorrow. Let's face it, though, I'm not hearing jack diddly until Wednesday at the earliest.

I could kiss that brilliant OB/GYN who thought E would go naturally on her own before her next doctor appointment. Thanks, doc. If it weren't for you I could be holding that baby in my arms right now instead of sitting here blogging about my persistent lack of information. Or I could be well into the process of dealing with the emotional backlash from being told we had a baby on the way only to have the decision revoked. Either way, I wouldn't be here in the dark and that would be just plain fantastic.

This does kind of remind me of when I was pregnant and was convinced I was going to be the first woman on the planet to be pregnant forever. I distinctly remember asking my mom if she thought that was possible. That's how I feel right now. E is going to be pregnant forever and we are going to therefore be in limbo forever.


Apparently I handle these situations much better when the hubby is around. Friday I was a mess until he got home and I was fine until he left this morning. He must have a calming effect on me. Thank God for that!


  1. I'm so glad you have that husband that has that effect on you. good luck with the next 24-48 hours. you can do this!!! we're all thinking about you so much!! ps-you are too good at words with friends--I will keep playing but i want to beat you to keep ME from going crazy :) RR

  2. i am already playing, but will attempt to play more frequently..despite my husband's disapproving glances!
