Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I dreamed a dream

Last night she was in my dream. I was swaddling her in a blanket that was too big while my social worker looked on to make sure I was doing a good job. When we were done I called her my little burrito. When I looked at her the first time she had thick curly hair, but then I looked back and it was gone...this pattern repeated itself several times. I said to my social worker that I was scared I wasn't going to think she was cute (a fear I had with Simon in real life as well), but it turned out that she was the most beautiful baby I'd ever seen. I wasn't allowed to be alone with her yet, so my social worker took her to a different room and while she was gone all I wanted to do was go find her.

I've never once dreamed about adoption before. I think I did because my friend told me she had a dream about the baby, so I guess I followed suit. I'm not a believer in dream premonitions so I don't take this as a sign that this will happen, but it was sure nice to think the baby was cute! And I got to hold her. Definitely a dream in more ways than one :)


  1. Sounds like maybe God was trying to tell you something...
    pw :)

  2. :) Good thoughts traveling your way.

  3. This is so amazing that you had that dream this morning!! Sending my love & prayers your way :)
