Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Potty Diaries

When Simon was 2 years, 1 month and 2 weeks old we kissed diapers goodbye and waved hello to big boy undies. A week or two and few soiled undies later, we were good to go.

Fast forward 1 year, 7 months and 2 weeks and I feel like we are no closer to him actually going potty by himself than we were on his very first day in undies. I realize I've created a monster, but now I don't know how to fix it.

He is perfectly capable of going potty independently. He can go like a man without making a huge mess. He can get on the toilet with or without a potty seat, with or without a stool. He can pull his pants up and down just fine.

He. just. won't. do. it.

If I bribe him he will do it sometimes, but I have to talk him through it every step of the way. It's like potty training all over again, only without the mess. I just need to refuse to help him and reward him with something (other than candy or stickers...I don't like the candy, he doesn't like the stickers), and hope that one day we will actually have a real live potty trained kid on our hands....

I thought this picture was appropriate for a post around Halloween about potty training :) HA!

As a side note, on his second and third day of potty training I created a document called "potty diaries" chronicling his (FREQUENT) urination throughout the day. I think I was trying to see how long he could actually hold it...clearly not long those first few days! I lasted at this for a day and a half. Oh, the things moms do sometimes :)

Day 2 of Potty Training!
Up at 6:45 with wet diaper
8:05 (1 hr 15 min)
8:14 (10 min)
9:32 (1 hr 15 min)
9:50 (20 min)
10:30 (40 min)
11:48 (1 hr 15 min)
11:57 (10 min) ACCIDENT
12:15 (15 min)
1:05 (50 min)
1:05 (Poop – started off potty, ended on potty)
4:45 still dry from nap!
5:30 pee
8:30 went to bed, no more pee

Day 3 of Potty Training!
Up at 7:00 with warm, wet diaper
11:00 (2 hours)
11:30 (30 min)


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